

VC offers a welcoming community of likeminded individuals. Many volunteers like to become members to remain in contact with the association after training or overseas placements. The organisation runs a number of member orientated events during the course of the year providing opportunities for individuals to continue their involvement after they return. These include social events, speaking opportunities, retreats, further training in some cases, as well as an opportunity to serve on the various committees and the board (Council).

Who can become a member of VC?

  • By becoming a volunteer on active service with one of our partner organisations overseas.
  • By serving as a home based volunteer on a committee or in a variety of situations for at least 6
  • By being invited to be an Honorary Member in recognition of exceptional services rendered to VC.

Membership fee

Annual subscription is €40, but this is not payable by members serving abroad or in the first year after their return.

Rights as a paid up member of VC

A member may attend and vote at the annual general meeting, may be elected to the Council and can take an active part in the association.

For more detailed information, please download our membership information sheet here.

Your online payments and donations are safe and secure –  VC uses Stripe as its card payment processor. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available. 
VC does not share any personal information you provide when making a donation.  VC is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland CHY no. 5526 and Northern Ireland FC No: 032782 & BR No: 017863 and is a member of the Irish Missionary Union and the Catholic Missionary Union of England and Wales.