Taking on a Volunteer

Prospective hosting partners must firstly complete the VC Expression of Interest form, part of a due diligence process. This includes EU certified hosting organisations who wish to partner with VC.

A comprehensive volunteer role description is also required

The VC Due Diligence Panel meets to assess the application in detail and determine:

  • the suitability of an international or local volunteer for the project
  • the ability of the partner to manage the requirements of a placement
  • the overall sustainability of the project
  • if the partner requires donor funding support. If required, then VC may be able to apply for this.

When a partnership agreement is in place, VC recruits, selects and trains the volunteer. There is no direct cost to partner for this. In the case of the EU volunteer deployments slightly different arrangements are in place.

The VC volunteer is deployed and builds local capacity by passing on the requested transferable skills, working directly with at least one local counterpart.

VC will also measure changes in our partners’ capacity as a result of working with us.

Feedback from the partner on the volunteer deployment informs our future policies and procedures.