Final Conference of the VIVID:T EU AVI Funded Project 

Come and join Viatores Christi, CBM Ireland, CBM Global, Abilis Finland, European Disability Forum, Tearfund Ireland and ASPEm Italy as we share and discuss some key learnings and plan important next steps!  Online, via Zoom on 1st December 2021

Online Volunteering – Has it Worked?

10.00 – 11.00 GMT

A year on from the VC Rapid Research on Inclusive Online Volunteering and after yet another year of remote, online engagement due the global pandemic, we revisit the key elements from the research and hear from some real life online volunteers.

  • How does this work for persons with disabilities and those without?
  • What extra training is needed?
  • Funding – can remote engagement be funded?
  • Challenges – digital, cultural, language, local ways of working?


Roundtable on Disability Inclusion – Importance of Senior Leadership Buy-in in Embracing Disability Inclusion

Time: 11.15-12.15

As we know, VIVID:T set out to create a community of practice made up of EU organisations working towards disability inclusion in humanitarian action and volunteering.

Given that strategies and decisions to act on disability inclusion should be director led, we will hold a roundtable featuring CEOs from the VIVID:T consortium as well a partner Organisation of Persons with Disabilities from the Global South to discuss how individual organisations can become more inclusive:

  • How do we make our organisations more inclusive of persons with disabilities (tips, advices, where to start, etc)
  • How can we as leaders help to unlock the social and economic value of people with disabilities within our organisations?
  • If you were to take one overriding outcome of the VIVID T project what would it be? Can we turn this into a commitment either together as a group or individually as an organisation?


VIVID:T Free Training Resources Showcase & Discussion

Time: 13.00-14.00 GMT

As part of the VIVID: T project, consortium members were privileged to participate in online training sessions aimed towards ensuring more disability inclusion in humanitarian action and volunteering. As part of the training a number of easy-to-use resources were created which any organisation can apply to their work.

These resources include but are not limited to

  • Toolkits on how to ensure that online meetings, PowerPoints, Word documents and social media content are accessible.
  • Training by CBM Global on Inclusive Project Cycle Management and Data Disaggregation.

This session will focus on how any organisation, big or small, can begin the journey towards becoming a more inclusive organisation by applying these basic resources to their work. Format: Presentation and Q&A Session


Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) – A Practical Session for Small NGOs

Time: 14.10-15.10 GMT

This informative and practical session will address ‘the how to’ of CHS self-assessment and implementation without a large budget .

The Core Humanitarian Standards are for all organisations, working in both development and humanitarian action and builds on the Humanitarian Principles of Humanity, Neutrality, Impartiality and Independence.

This session will feature:

  • Input from small organisations talking about their own experiences of CHS
  • Interview with CHS Alliance about the positive aspects of CHS Alliance and the various supports available for smaller organisations: inclusivity, capacity building, fundraising, and global south based local organisations taking more control; safeguarding; accountability and improvement processes integrated to existing processes
  • Disability Reference Group (DRG) talk about experience of CHS Alliance
  • Interactive Q& A and Small Discussion Groups

Come and join us on 1st December 2021 – starting at 10.00 GMT!

Captioning and Internal Sign Language Interpretation will be available.