Viatores Christi (VC) is a member-based Irish lay missionary and international development organisation founded in 1960. Since its formation over 2000 volunteers have served overseas, and members of the organisation continue to work there and in Ireland supporting various partner programmes.
We work with partners including missionary congregations, dioceses, NGOs and community based organisations (CBOs) to bring about positive change. We offer a range of interventions to enable this, including training in development, funding for capacity building, and deployment of trained volunteers.
We put people first by;
- Identifying and addressing clearly defined needs
- Tackling the root causes of poverty
- Working in solidarity with local staff within communities
VC is one of the longest established international volunteer agencies in Ireland. We train and place volunteers in long-term placements to work on sustainable development projects.

Over 60 Years of Development Work
VC celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 2021, having been founded in 1960 by a group of lay Christian UCD Students who volunteered to work in England and Scotland with Irish emigrants during their free time.
The first members went on assignment to Nigeria in 1960, and in 1961 members departed for Peru, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. We have supported thousands of projects and sent over 2500 volunteers or development workers into the field since our inception.
Our Mission Today
Today, our mission is to work in partnership to improve the human, social and economic rights of those on the margins.
We believe in a local-led development approach supporting communities to identify their needs and find their own tailored solutions. We aim for an impact that is sustainable and will benefit communities over the long-term. Our approach is consistent with themissionary approach to development.
VC’s faith-based approach is one of journeying in solidarity with the poor and marginalised in the world. While we are rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, our development and pastoral work is open to all faiths.
To do this, we work with local partner organisations and assist them in achieving the objectives of their projects.