Working for change

Our work is focused on communities where people are in greatest need. We work principally on sustainable development projects that are measurable.

Key Problems

  • Poor access to health services, education and livelihood opportunities
  • Our field partners’ need for greater resources and capacity to deliver relevant services.

Main Target Groups

  • Vulnerable people living in rural or urban settlements
  • Orphans and vulnerable children
  • People living with disabilities
  • Internally displaced people
  • People in post-conflict areas

Reached via

  • Field partners
  • Local government
  • Our volunteers

Wider Benefits

  • Improved health and well-being
  • Improved standard of basic service provision
  • Greater household income
  • An enhanced business environment
  • A strengthened civil society

Measurable Outcomes

  • Improved quality of education
  • Better equipped schools and health facilities
  • Greater employment opportunities
  • Improved access to health services
  • Policy change that benefits target groups
  • An increased capacity of our partners and greater access to resources


  • Providing supplies, equipment and infrastructure to health facilities and schools
  • Providing vocational training and funding for business start-ups
  • Training teacher trainers
  • Providing outreach health services
  • Improving awareness of rights to services
  • Conducting research-based advocacy and training
  • Supporting our civil society and local government partners