Membership Subscription
To pay your VC Annual Membership Subscription of €40, please do so below.
Set up a monthly donation by standing order
Click here to download a standing order form
Tax Efficient Charitable Donations
If a donor gives more than €250 donation to charity either in the form of a lump sum payment or by way of direct debits/standing order where the amount for each year is more than €250, the donation may qualify for tax relief.
Your online payments and donations are safe and secure – VC uses Stripe as its card payment processor. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available. VC also uses Sum-up for its scanable transaction provider.
VC does not share any personal information you provide when making a donation. VC is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland CHY no. 5526 and Northern Ireland FC No: 032782 & BR No: 017863 and is a member of AMRI -the Association of Missionaries and Religious in Ireland and the Catholic Missionary Union of England and Wales.