IT Specialist (with French) Required for Education Project in NW Haiti


Viatores Christi (VC) works in the area of development cooperation in the faith based development sector. We specialise in the recruitment, training and placement of skilled development workers on projects overseas which have a skills gap identified by a local partner.

VC is now seeking a suitably IT professional for an IT Project Manager role in Haiti.  He or she should have a good level of French with experience in all aspects IT systems (management, implementation, training).

Our partner, based in a women’s empowerment and education project in North Western Haiti, seeks a volunteer development worker IT Specialist with good all round skills and experience in managing and supporting basic IT systems (hardware and software) within an education/training setting.
The ideal candidate will need to possess strong project management skills in developing and overseeing the refurb of an IT training centre and development of programmes, identification and training of local counterparts, delivery of training to staff and local school teachers.

The duration of the role is for 12 months and accommodation is provided by the local partner.

The area is in quiet, beautiful and colourful region in Haiti and this role in a grassroots project will offer the volunteer the opportunity to live and work with the local people and become part of their community.

The role is funded from the Irish Aid Overseas Aid Budget and the development worker will receive an allowance.  Flights, insurances, vaccinations and other costs will also be covered.

For further details, including a detailed role description, please email us!