Celebrating 1000 Followers on LinkedIn

We are happy to share a momentous milestone in our incredible community – we have surpassed 1000 followers on LinkedIn!

We are so grateful for this and extend our sincerest appreciation to each and every one of you. Your engagement and support has been the driving force behind our journey towards making a positive impact in the lives of those so often left behind.

Our Core Values: Reliability, Effectiveness, and Inclusivity

At VC, our core values form the heart of our organization. We believe in reliability and a commitment to create tangible change, and inclusivity – to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued. These values guide us on our mission to contribute meaningfully to international development and humanitarian causes.

The Power of Collaboration: Volunteers and Partnerships

We believe that change is a collective effort. We thrive on the dedication and skills of people dedicated to making a difference, be they international volunteers or committed local staff. Their selfless contributions and passion have been instrumental in driving our initiatives forward. Together, we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it the most.

But our journey doesn’t end there. Collaboration is key to achieving sustainable change, and that’s why we partner with various development organizations across the world. These partnerships including those involved in the EU Solidarity Programme allow us to combine resources and expertise, multiplying the impact of our efforts. Together, we tackle pressing issues and work towards a brighter future for all.

Witnessing Impact and Advocacy for Change

Our VC volunteer stories and partner stories of change showcase the real impact of our collective efforts. Through these narratives, we share the transformational journeys of those we’ve been privileged to serve. Each story is a testament to resilience, hope, and determination to succeed even against the odds.

Take a look at this volunteer story!

Building Our Community: Join the Movement

We invite you to be an active participant in our cause and be an advocate for change.

Your support is key, and there are multiple ways to get involved. Share our pages, invite friends to join our community today. Through our combined efforts, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need.

LinkedIn VC Uganda

VC Dublin LinkedIn

To support VC Volunteers and Partner projects around the globe, Click here!