Funding Support & Latest Annual Report

VC receive funding from a number of different donors and agencies. The quantity of funding received by each of our partners differs depending on their project needs. See our latest Annual Report and Financial Statements  See also VC’s 2024-27 Strategic Plan

Misean Cara

Misean Cara is an international and Irish faith-based missionary movement working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in developing countries. Misean Cara supported by Irish Aid is working to realise the human rights of these people through delivery of basic services in the areas of education, health, livelihoods and income generation, as well as advocacy, networking and community mobilisation. Their movement is made up of 89 member organisations working in over 50 countries. VC is proud to be one of these member organisations.

EU Aid Volunteers and ESC Humanitarian Strand

VC has been engaged in a number of EU-supported projects in conjunction with a number of other NGOs spread across Europe. These include the Volunteering for Humanity project helped VC to improve volunteering practice and disseminate resources to ensure best practice for EU volunteer sending organisations. The VIVID project helped VC become more aware and engaged in the process of inclusion of persons with disabilities as part of a humanitarian response. VC has most recently completed an Erasmus+ small project to help with our ambition to have a more inclusive training programme.


In 2021 VC applied for and was successful with an Erasmus+ project through the national agency Leargas.  The project will support the development and European implementation of a Disability Inclusive Global Citizenship Module for our Venture Training Programme.

Irish Aid Global Citizenship

As part of VC’s disability strategy VC joined forces with Irish Aid to adapt its key Venture Training Modules to inclulde GCE in an accessible format for its Irish prospective volunteers.

Archdiocese of Dublin

The Archdiocese of Dublin supports VC with its missionary outreach, to build our own capacity as an organisation and to support some of our missionary partners in their activities.

Parish Engagement

We have an active parish promotions programme which sees members of VC visit parishes (RC) around Ireland and to a limited extent in the USA informing parishioners of our work and the specific missionary approach to development as well as valuable fundraising.

Members of the public

VC relies on the generosity of the public to continue our activities. We are grateful to all members of the public who decide to donate to VC and support us and our partners as we strive to contribute to sustainable development and the eradication of poverty. If you would like to donate today please head over to our donations page.