Caroline sits smiling at her desk

Volunteering at Viatores Christi has been thrilling and a great learning experience

Caroline, our volunteer in Uganda, shares her story with us

Growing up in Uganda, the volunteering world has always been a part of me. It is something I knew I would fully take part in someday. My passion to support the less fortunate and partake in positively changing the world was always at the top of my priorities.

After a long time working in local non-governmental organizations here in Uganda, it only made my passion even greater. I found both joy and purpose in the projects that we implemented. I witnessed first-hand how these projects changed people’s lives. I got to tell the stories of the beneficiaries through their lens.

In early 2021, I was given an opportunity of a lifetime to impact change through my story telling at VIATORES CHRISTI(VC). VC is a faith based international organization founded in Dublin Ireland with partners in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia. This was a chance to tell stories of beneficiaries all over the world and  get to understand the situation of people from diverse backgrounds in different parts of the world first hand.


So far, my experience has been mostly learning through the different trainings that VC offers, telling stories of change to a wider audience through online exhibitions and getting a chance to work with exposed and well-informed staff.

VC is a great environment, with welcoming, easy to talk to staff, which has created a very healthy working environment for me. I am looking forward to this journey of telling impactful stories and positively changing people’s lives, one step at a time!

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Caroline sits smiling at her desk

Caroline in her office in Uganda
